What is an NC Student Number and how can I find mine?

NC Student Numbers (formerly NC WISE numbers) are assigned to students in North Carolina public schools by the NC Department of Public Instruction.  CFNC does not have an available database of NC Student Numbers, but you should be able to find it on your high school report card or lunch ID.

The NC Student Number is required to submit a transcript request through CFNC.org, so if you do not have access to it, you'll need to contact your high school or county school district to obtain it.  Please note that if you graduated high school before 2007, you may have never been issued an NC Student Number and you'll need to work through your high school or district directly to request a transcript.

If you are completing an application on CFNC.org and do not have an NC Student Number, you will need to keep this space blank on any applications you fill out. Note that if the field is not completely empty, the application will not let you submit without inputting a valid NC Student Number.