How do I start a college application on

To apply to colleges:

  1. Access and log in to your account.
  2. Hover your mouse over the "Apply To College" and select the "Application Hub" button (the first option).
  3. On the right side, click on "Start a New Application" to search for the specific college.
  4. Choose the college and the type of application you want to begin (undergraduate or graduate). Then, click on "Apply."
  5. A new tab or window will open with the application, and a page of instructions will load. It is important to read through the instructions carefully, as they provide directions and information about the materials or exams required to complete your application.
  6. Once you have familiarized yourself with the instructions, navigate through each section on the left side of the application to complete the mandatory fields. Ensure that you provide accurate information to the best of your knowledge in all the required fields (marked with a red asterisk *).
  7. When you have finished filling out the application, review your information and click on the "Submit Application" button.
  8. After you have submitted your application and all additional materials, the college will contact you with an admissions decision.

Please note that if a college prefers another application, such as the Common App, the CFNC Application Hub will guide you to that application instead of the application.