The application says it's "closed". What should I do?

If you're using the CFNC App Hub and the admission application says it's closed, it could be one of three things:

  1. You’ve already applied for any terms that are currently open. Go to your App Hub and scroll down until you see the college you’re applying to. Then, underneath the college name, see if the “Term/Year” matches what you’re applying for.
    • If the term matches, look under “Tasks.” If the Task for “Application” has a completed date and you can “View” the application, then you’ve already applied to that term.
    • If the term doesn’t match, then look at #2.
  2. You have applications open already, sometimes for old terms. Go to your App Hub and scroll down until you see the college you’re applying to. Then, to the right side of any applications, you’ll see a “Last Saved Date.”
    • If you see a trashcan underneath the date, click it. If you see more than one for the same college, click the trash can for as many are open for that college. Now click “Start an Application” and search for that college’s application again. If it still says closed, proceed to #3.
    • If you do not see a trashcan underneath the date, then proceed to #3.
  3. There are no open terms. You’ll need to contact the college to ask when they plan on opening their application for that term.